Wanibooks No.141 – Japanese Actress and Gravure Idol – Sayaka Isoyama
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Why Japanese are so hot?
1. More than likely, the girls you see online are light skin toned. Asian girls LOVE light skin tone for a reason. It looks good on them.
There are a few people who can pull darker skin off, but they are not the majority. And most likely they have other beautiful traits that can compensate that. Like her: Namie Amuro
2. Japanese girls, as well as Asian girls in general, are skinnier compared to girls from Western countries. Some guys are attracted to this trait because of their desire to protect.
According to the Official Statistics (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology & Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare), the average height for 18-29 year-old (both maximum)
Male: 171.0 cm (5'610 ft)
Female: 157.7 cm (5'174 ft)
Lolita Fashion explained by Wiki:
"Lolita fashion is thought to have been partly created to react against the growing exposure of the body and skin in modern society. Adherents fight this with modesty, presenting themselves as "cute" or "elegant" rather than "sexy"."
4. Popular culture. The Japanese entertainment industry has made an unprecedented success by introducing idol groups to the global audience. Those girl groups are young, energetic, versatile and have great smiles. They are heavily promoted and packaged into the quintessence of human beauty, at least that's how they see it.
Those are the reasons that I could think of as for why the questioner thinks Japanese girls are so hot. And agree with the other answerers, in reality, the percentage of hot girls is just as same as anywhere else. So next time when you go to Japan, you are more likely gonna see this:
If you find all East Asian women attractive, maybe that's just your type. If, on the other hand, it's Japanese girls in particular, that's a more interesting question.
According to some very interesting reading I read a few years ago and now can't find again, subjective impressions of the attractiveness of the people of various countries are substantially correlated with their GDP. In other words, rich countries produce attractive people, or vice versa.
And Japan has a pretty darn high per capita GDP. It doesn't have the highest per capita GDP, but all the countries that are ahead of it, with the exception of Singapore, get their wealth from petroleum, not from manpower, which doesn't require a particularly efficient allocation of people to their most highly valued professions (more on that below).
Maybe there's some sort of assortative mating/immigration thing going on. But I doubt that applies to Japan, since there hasn't been very much immigration into the country as there has been in the United States, Canada, and Brazil. Maybe there's a factor of operant conditioning, in which we regard certain facial features as more attractive than others when we frequently see them paired with signs and symbols of wealth and status. Possibly, but this doesn't seem like the whole story.
Perhaps most likely, richer countries are just better able to control how they're portrayed and to allocate their supply of good looking people efficiently, seeking them out, discovering them, and putting them into industries like modeling, fashion, tourism, politics, public relations, acting, and so on.
This seems to be related to what (some) economists call the Hot Waitress Index. (I apologize in advance if this sounds sexist, which it probably will)
Basically, the idea is that the weaker the economy, the hotter the waitresses. We're talking about a person forced to take a job that they're overqualified for. A Hot Waitress is, metaphorically and in some cases literally, someone, especially a young woman, who's physically attractive enough to sell a product or appear in print ads instead shlepping around with milkshakes and stacks of hot cakes at a dinner or serving up drinks at a nightclub.
(For some reason, we don't talk about the Hot Waiter Index. Even though attractiveness matters for men, too, there's less consensus on what makes for a Hot Waiter, making it more subjective. The male equivalent of the Hot Waitress is the Overeducated Cabbie.)
As the economy goes up, these sorts of mismatches become rarer. The Hot Waitress Index and the Overeducated Cabbie Index go down. Although someone with a comparative advantage at solving some sort of intellectual puzzle can be a professor or a writer somewhere behind the scenes, the stereotypical Hot Waitress, as someone with a comparative advantage at appearing glamorous and attractive, inevitably ends up somewhere in the public view, as that's what their most highly valued profession is. In other words, the better the economy does, the more visible the more attractive portion of the population becomes. As we see these sorts of people more often, our impression of the average attractiveness of people in that particular society inflates accordingly.
Does this explain why Japanese girls are so hot? I suspect so, at least partially. It also explains why New Yorkers are so hot, while Italians are so hot, why German and Swedish girls are so hot... And, in general, why people in the developing world these days find it so hard to live up to the standards of beauty of the society around them.
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